
Homesteading Preparedness

Beredskap The Gower Prepper
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December UK Preparedness month

This year, 2022, the Safe Survival site, one of the longest running of its type on the Internet, is celebrating its 2nd year on the world-wide-web. To promote this 'coming of age', A new regular section will be added, that of 'Homesteading Preparedness.

This will include regular articles from Backwoods Home magazine, links giving useful tips for homesteading, recipes, animal husbandry, growing vegetables and herbs, and general preparedness advice for around the home.

Keep checking in....

Ever Wild BBC documentary November Ken's 40 years of living and thriving in the wild

Wildfires: Before, During, After - A useful ad topical from Backwoods home magazine

A useful article from Backwoods Home magazine, on how to use solar landscape lights for emergencies, By Jeffrey Yago

Store your food - By Kelly Hart Green Home building

Useful and recommended links:

See below for a list of useful links for practical guides and tips/advice on a variety of related subject areas

Backwoods Home Magazine (BHM) was founded in 1989 by Dave Duffy as a how-to homesteading magazine for anyone wishing to pursue a self-reliant lifestyle. It contains articles on gardening, livestock, canning, building, cooking, and guns.

Green Home Building - Run by Kelly and Rosana Hart. They provide a wide range of information related to sustainable architecture and natural building

Bushcraft Magazine UK. The worlds longest running magazine dedicated to bushcraft and outdoor skills.

Low Impact - sustainable living resource; connecting lifestyle and system change

The Real Seed Catalogue Fishguard Pembrokeshire

Mother Earth News. Educating folks about the benefits of self-reliance for 50 years.

Happy Homestead UK - Run by James & Dee who live on the Island of Eday, Orkney, UK with a vision of creating a cleaner, healthier and less complicated life


Fallkniven F1X Survival Knife Review with Andrew Price of Bushcraft magazine

Homemade - Episode 1 Off the Grid in Northern BC

Living off grid in the woods - Kris Harbour Natural Building UK

Kris Harbour natural building - You tube channel

Things You Should Do Before You Start Homesteading

Top Ten Foods to store and how to store them