Emergency Preparedness
Saturday 4
Therapy 33a Walters Road
Swansea SA1 5NW
‘Munch Box’ café)
10am – 5pm
10am – 11.00 Introductions
and overview of the workshop; Types of emergencies and disasters we may
encounter, both man-made and natural
11.00 – 11.20 Coffee/Tea
break provided
11.20 – 12.45 Make
a plan – How to recognise the ‘symptoms’ of impending events; ‘Fight or flight’
the pros’ and cons’ of staying in your location or evacuate to a ‘safe’ location?
12.45 – 13.30 Lunch
(Either bring your own lunch or there are a few cafes in the area)Tea/coffee is provided
13.30 – 14.45 Preparedness
for natural events: Storms, earthquakes and volcanic activity, floods, solar
activity (EMP – Electromagnetic pulse) temperature extremes: Recognise the
15.00 – 16.15 Preparedness
for man-made events: Nuclear (EMP air burst) Biological and Chemical –
recognise the signs
16.15 – 17.00 Questions
and answer session and discussions
The above is a guide only and subject
areas may change to suit interest
Course provider Howard Middleton-Jones
Contact: safesurvival@yahoo.com
Mob: 07855268608
Twitter #desertmonk